How to get rid of acne : Who does not want a blemish free face? But here comes a phase of life in every girl’s life where when she wake up and see her face in the mirror and find a pimple on her face. Any girl would scream at the top of her voice if she would find out even a small pimple on her face. Each and every girl wants her face to be clear and glowing. Although every girl does not possess a fair complexion but still whatever her complexion is she wants it to be scar and blemish free and it leaves her thinking that how to get rid of acne?
But when a girl enters the age of adulthood from teenage she gets through many changes in her body. Her hormone changes rapidly which results in changes of her mental and physical fitness. Suddenly she changes her track of thinking from the previous one. She starts to talk mature and behave mature. You can even find it so much visible that her point of views, her ethics and her idea of seeing the things has changed a lot. Suddenly she wants more and more freedom in her life and she wants to take risks in her life. She wants to move around like a free bird and experience the things she has never even seen before.
But mental changes are not the only thing which takes place when a girl enters her growing age. It is the physical changes which are also visible when a girl becomes an adult. The posture of her body becomes more mature and the same applies to her face too. Many girls go through this problem that she starts to have pimples on her face. Many blackheads, whiteheads and pimples are the everyday problem of a girl who has recently entered her adulthood. This is the time when acne becomes the most common thing from which a girl suffers a lot.
Acne vulgaris or simply acne is defined as the long term problem faced by girls in which blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin and scarring are included. The changes in genetics, not so proper diet and improper hygiene is responsible for such problems. Sometimes it severely effects the self esteem of a girl that she losses her self confidence completely. A girl may go through depression or anxiety because of the problem of acne. Acne is more common to take place at the time of puberty in both genders and many oil glands appear to be deposited on the surface of face because of it. This question always gets round and round that how to get rid of acne?
The changes takes place in genetics is believed to be 80% responsible for the origin of acne. At the time of puberty when body gets matured the genetic hormones called estrogen and testosterone secrets in a higher amount which is more responsible for acne in male and female rather than hygiene and diet. And this problem leaves everyone specially females stunned that how to get rid of acne?
But now people have come up with many ideas and remedies which can easily eradicate acne if followed continuously. Some of these treatments are costly and some are very cheap as they are home remedies. Many creams have been introduced in the market which takes 100% guarantee to remove acne and its marks too. Well, it is a common problem that although acne can be removed but theirs marks stays on face.
12 Best way how to get rid of acne naturally [overnight]
But now with the regular updating in the modern treatments of acne marks can be removed too. Therefore, we have listed out the ideas on how to get rid of acne. If these treatments are tried on a steady rate then it can do magic to your skin type.
1). Natural mask
As we all know that honey and cinnamon has huge antimicrobial properties. And when they are mixed together then they form a killer combination to destroy pimples and acne. As both the products used are natural so there is no side effects of this mixture until you are allergic to either of the ingredients.
Ingredients required
a. Honey and cinnamon
Recipe :
Take one teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoon of natural honey. For the better preference you should use manuka honey. This brand of honey is more powerful than any other brand. Manuka is a forest in New Zealand and this honey has amazing pain relieving and healing properties. Now take cinnamon and make paste of it. Now add honey in it and blend this mixture. By blending it makes an even paste to be applied on face. Now this mixture is ready to use.
How to apply :
Rinse your face thoroughly that no oil remains should stay over it. now use a soft cloth to make it dry. When your face is completely dry then apply this paste on your face and spread it evenly on the blemishes and acne and other affected areas of your face. Leave this paste overnight on your face and let it work thoroughly on your face. The next morning wash it with cold water. Apply this mixture for several days and you will notice a huge change in your skin. And you will find a perfect answer of how to get rid of acne.
2). Eggs
Eggs are cheap and they are really helpful in removing pimples and other blemishes from your skin. They are also helpful in lightening of the old scars on your face. Eggs are beneficial and effective as the egg white contains vitamins and amino acid which is great in removing acne.
Ingredients required :
a. egg whites
Take 3 eggs and make sure each egg should be of moderate size. Now separate the egg whites from the yolk of each egg. Whisk them properly with the help of the mixer and let this mixture take at least 3 or more minutes to settle down completely.
How to apply :
Take the whisked egg whites in your fingers and then gently apply it to the affected area of your face. Now let this mixture get dry on your face. When it gets dry completely then again apply the mixture and repeat this procedure 4 times. Then leave the mask to settle down and get dry for 20 minutes. Now rinse off this mixture form your face by applying water. After your face gets dry then apply a suitable skin moisturizer according to your skin type. After the continuous usage of this mixture you will get the answer of how to get rid of acne.
3). Orange peels
This is the simplest home remedy in the section of how to get rid of acne. Oranges contains ascorbic acid and vitamin C which makes them a great healer for the acne problems. They are cheap as well as easy to use. By using it as a pimple clearer you can make the best use of it along with eating them.
Ingredients required :
a. fresh orange peels
How to apply :
This home remedy does not require any preparation to be done. You can try this easily at home. All you have to do is just rub the orange peels on your pimples and dab them on the skin so that the orange juice can be entered in your skin. You can also apply the orange juice on your skin with the help of cotton instead of rubbing your face with orange peels. Leave this for at least 1 hour and then wash your face with water.
Note :
1. Use different peel for each pimple.
2. Wash your face with hot water before rubbing oranges. It will open up the pores of your skin.
3. Wash your hands thoroughly before doing it so that no bacteria can get transferred into your skin.
4). Margosa :
Nobody is unknown from the healing properties of Margosa (neem) tree. It has powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which prevents us from many diseases. For the treatment of acne and pimples usually Margosa oil and Margosa powder are preferred.
Ingredients required :
a. Margosa oil or Margosa powder
You can order them online or can buy them from any organic or natural food store in your area.
How to apply :
As these products are already synthesized well then there is no need of making anything out of it. Firstly wash your face with warm water so that the pores of your face can get open. Now take cotton and dip it in the Margosa oil and then apply it on the pimples directly.
If you want to use the Margosa powder then you can mix it with a little bit of water to form a paste and then apply it on the spots. Let this paste be dry and then leave it to work overnight for you. it will penetrate into your skin throughout the night and will cure pimples easily. Now wash it with water the next morning. It is a fast process and effective too and you will see a noticeable change in just two or three times. It is the best remedy in the category of how to get rid of pimples.
5). Strawberries
Strawberries contain salicyclic acid and it is the primary ingredients for many creams which heals the problem of pimples. This acid stimulates the epidermis which open up the pores and the bacteria gets neutralized. This also increases the number of fresh cells and the subsequent closing of pores to prevent fresh infection.
Ingredients required :
a. honey and fresh strawberries
Recipe :
Take 3 strawberries and wash them properly and make sure no dirt should remain on them. now mash the strawberries such that the mixture do no become watery. Now add 2 teaspoon of honey in it and blend it properly. The mixture is ready to use.
How to apply :
Take the mixture in your fingers and then apply it to the overall face. Now let this mixture stay for 30 minutes. After this time period wash your face with cold water gently. Make sure that all the mixture should be rinsed off your face completely. This will add glow to your face after continuous use and this is a marvelous idea of how to get rid of acne.
6). Papaya
Papaya is a helpful fruit to make your skin look better. It removes the dead skin cells and excess fat of the face and makes it look flawless. The raw papaya contains papain which is an enzyme which cuts down inflammation and stops the formation of pus. This enzyme can be found as the main ingredient of many of the beauty products.
Recipe :
Take fresh papaya and cut it. Remove all its seeds. Now mash the papaya and make a uniform mixture which can be applies on your skin easily. Leave it for 2 minutes to get uniformly mixed.
How to apply :
Take the mixture in your fingers and then apply it gently on your face. Before applying it wash your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply this mixture for 30 minutes on your face. Now wash your face gently and remove the mixture. You will find the removal of tan along with pimples after continuous usage. It is the most beneficial answer of how to get rid of acne.
7). Basil leaves
Basil leaves are usually used more in cooking than beauty products. But very less people know that it has antioxidants, anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These properties can be used for how to get rid of acne. The bacteria which have developed the resistance of antibiotic can also be removed by basil leaves.
Ingredients required :
a. Basil leaves
Take 10 basil leaves and pour them in a saucepan. Press them against the wall of the saucepan with the help of a spoon. By doing this the juice of the leaves will be more concentrated after boiling. Now add a cup of water in it and boil the basil leaves in it for 5 minutes. Leave the mixture to get cool and then take out the leaves from it.
How to apply:
Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture. Apply this mixture on the spots which you want to heal. Let this stay overnight and then wash it with water the next morning. This will really work fast as this is the most natural formula to heal pimples and acne and how to get rid of acne.
Note- you can store the remaining mixture in refrigerator for the next 5 days. Throw the mixture if it has been store from a long time and also do not use it.
8). Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is different from the oil which is secreted by our skin. This oil penetrates our skin and enters inside it. It opens up our pores and heals pimples. It also regenerates new skin cells and remove dead skin cells. Tea tree oil also possesses high antibacterial properties which can be used for how to get rid of acne.
Ingredients required :
a. Diluted tea tree oil
Recipe :
There is no preparation for it except that you will have to dilute the tea tree oil before using it. You can dilute it with water taking water and oil and 1:9 respectively.
How to apply :
Wash your face with warm water to open up the pores. Now take clean cotton ball and dip it in the diluted tea tree oil. Now apply this mixture on the problematic areas of your face. Leave it overnight and then wash your face the next morning gently with water. As this is a completely natural formula so you will not possess any side effects of it.
Note: if you have a sensitive type of skin then you can use aloe vera gel to dilute the tea tree oil instead of water.
9). Tomatoes
Tomatoes posses the antioxidant called lycopene which acts like an anti ageing product and also fights the cellular damage. Usage of tomatoes on the skin also eliminates excess of oil from the skin. Tomatoes are used in removing black heads, shrinking of skin pores, and also smoothen and whiten the skin.
Ingredients required :
a. Fresh tomatoes
How to apply :
No preparation is required to use tomatoes on your skin. All you have to do is apply the mask of fresh tomato juice on your face and then leave it to get dried. Keep this mask for at least one hour on your face and then ash your face gently with cold water. Use it twice a day for better results. It is an easy and simple formula to try and excels in the category of how to get rid of acne.
10). Dried hibiscus
Along with the usage in the culinary skills hibiscus is also used in the treatment of acne. The tea made with the help of hibiscus can be used in curing pimples along with drinking.
Ingredients required:
a. Hibiscus, water, honey
Recipe :
Take 2 cups of boiling water and add 3 teaspoons of hibiscus plant in it. After straining let it be kept to cool. Now add 2 teaspoons of honey in it. Pour out a tablespoon of hibiscus in another cup.
How to apply :
Take a piece of cheesecloth or paper towel to apply the hibiscus mixture on your face. Stick this for 10 minutes on the each pimple. Apply it twice a day for fast results. You will find a noticeable change in the condition of your acne. It is a bit complex but effective formula in the category of how to get rid of acne.
11). Green Tea
Green tea consists of an antioxidant named epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). It was observed that this was effective for the restriction of bacteria over pimples. Green tea has been proved exceptionally well on pimples when used externally.
Ingredients required :
a. Organic tea leaves, water
Recipe :
Take ½ cup of fresh water and boil it. Now add 2 teaspoon of organic tea leaves in it. Steep the mixture for 5 minute and then strain the leaves and then keep it to get cooled.
How to apply :
There are two ways to apply this on your face.
1). Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture and then apply it on the spots gently through it.
2). Fill the mixture in a spray bottle and then spray the mixture on your face with closing your eyes.
Leave the mixture overnight and then wash your face with water the next morning. This formula is quite effective but takes time to heal the pimples in the category of how to get rid of pimples.
12). Aloe Vera gel
Aloe Vera gel possesses the highest antibacterial qualities than any other plants. It has the properties to give a pleasant soothing effect to the skin. It also reduces the redness caused by the pimples and the swelling too. Aloe Vera can also be grown at your home too as it is an indoor plant.
Ingredients required :
a. Aloe vera gel
How to apply :
You can apply the gel directly on your face or by mixing it with other ingredients like tea tree oil or garlic. But if you are using it alone then simply apply the aloe Vera gel on your face and let it be on your face for 30 minutes. Then wash your face with cool water. This is the most effective idea in the category of how to get rid of acne.
Note : Do not let the Aloe Vera gel enter your eyes. it will cause the uneasiness in your eyes.
Small tips on how to get rid of acne :
- Wash your hands properly before trying any treatment so that no bacteria can be transferred to your face skin.
- Do not use too many treatments at the same time. Use only one treatment at a time and use it for at least one week to see the full results. And if it is not helpful then you can try the other home remedies.
- Eat a well balanced diet full of proteins and vitamins so that your face can get full care.
- Do not feel low if you do not notice any changes overnight. It takes time to heal the pimples.
Best way how to get rid of acne naturally (tips and tricks) Infographic

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