Looking for best happy birthday wishes for husband to wish happy birthday to your loving husband? If yes, your search completes here. Today CrazyAsk team are going to share most romantic happy birthday messages for husband from wife.
We are sure you ladies will love our happy birthday quotes for husband collection and like to send to your husband.
Let’s get started with no delay.
81 Happy Birthday Wishes for Husband
Below is best happy birthday wishes collection for all wives to their husband. Make your husband birthday special by sending some special birthday gifts with these loving happy birthday wishes.
1). Since childhood I have been a romantic soul; I have always dreamt of a prince charming coming and sweeping me off my feet. Happy birthday my darling hubby; always will love you.
Very beautiful happy birthday message for husband from wife shows her love for her husband. She is telling to her husband she dreamed about him whole life.
2). Happy birthday sweetheart; our life together has been a fairytale love story. Hoping for a hundred more blissful years with you. Words cannot express my love for you my dear hubby. Happy birthday husabnd again!
Another great happy birthday message from wife to her loving husband shows she loves her love story more than others.
3). A very happy birthday darling; I never imagined that I will be such a love struck puppy. But you adorable smile and simple outlook of life have won my heart.
A loving birthday message for a loving husband from a loving wife.
4). Even when we are miles away or in different places a simple conversation with you and listening to your voice before going to sleep makes me happy and content with life. Happy birthday to my Husband!.

Great happy birthday quotes for husband at very special day, shows a strong bond in wife and husband.
5). I wish you the best in life and may all your dreams and wishes come true. Happy birthday to my husband; always love and trust me no matter what happens.
Another interesting happy birthday quote has been delivered to you ladies.
6). Darling I am proud to confess that you are even better than my dream. Always be my dream guy; happy birthday darling and hope for many prosperous and lovely years ahead.
7). I have read about marriage being a beautiful and passionate union only in romance novels and fairytales; but my days with you proved that these myths do exist.
8). Be happy and such a kind soul always and wishing you many more happy and prosperous years with me as you life-partner.
Other women are reading Birthday Gifts Ideas for Husband.
9). My darling husband your presence in my life is life a refuge against the raging troubles and sorrows of life. Happy birthday hubby and always be by my side with your heart-warming smiles.
10). I promise to love and adore you for all the coming years; hope you do the same sweety. Happy birthday husband.
Sepcial and loving birthday wishes for husband from wife shows she is promising to love him whole life and demanding same from him.
11). I hope that you can fulfil all your dreams and wishes. Always be the go getter hubby and treat me as your princess. Happy Birthday dear husband and lots of love from your princess.
Great birthday message for husband from wife quotes, send this loving birthday sms to your husabnd now.
12). You are the most important person in my life; always stay like the pillar of strength by my side. Happy birthday my hero.
One more speical birthday wishes for a husband from his loving wife at his very speical day.
13). On this special day I will be your magic genie hubby dear. You will first confess all your darkest secrets and then we will have our passionate we-time. Happy birthday love.

You may also like to check this interesting article Sweet things to say to your boyfriend.
14). The most important person for me in this huge world is you; always remember that my heart beats for you my dear husband. Happy birthday darling and loads of love.
15). The world seems a dull and cold place when you are not there by my side. Promise to stay by my side forever my lovely husband. Here’s lots of love for the world’s best husband form the world’s most beautiful wife.
Promising birthday wishes for husband with love from his wife. Send this cute husband birthday message now to make your husband bday special.
16). This is the best day of the year for me since this is the special day when the love of my life came to the world. Happy Birthday beloved; always be the kind hearted man with a hauntingly beautiful smile.
17). It is a blessing to have you as my husband; the man with the most beautiful heart. Promise to always be there for me; I promise my eternal devotion to you. Happy birthday husband!
Best birthday quotes for husband from wife. She is very happy to find her man.
18). Happy Birthday Husband! Before marriage I have never seen perfection in life. You came and I understood who a perfectionist is; may God bless you with more achievements and happiness. A very happy birthday to my perfect man.
19). Thank you so much darling for bringing so much love, laughter and optimism in my life. Happy Birthday husband with a huge bouquet of kisses and hugs to you love.
20). You have become a integral part of my life, my heart and my soul. Always be the strength and support of my life; a very happy birthday to the most important man in my life.
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21). You have been there when everyone else deserted me; you believed me when everyone else snickered seeing my foolish actions. Our marriage is the stuff of dreams; happy birthday to my husband!

Wonderful birthday wishes for husband from wife showing her husband love his foolish actions also.
22). I have always dreamt of a husband who loved me truly and wholly; I never wished for riches or beauty. Destiny has fulfilled my dreams; happy birthday honey and I want all your dreams come true.
Beautiful birthday message for husband from a girl who looks her dream boy into her husband.
23). I have heard and seen many marriages which have become dreary and dull after a few years. But being with you I reinvent myself everyday; a very happy birthday to my dynamic husband.
24). All the moments of our married life have thrived with love, care and true happiness. I am immensely lucky to have such a worthy person as my husband. Happy Birthday beloved.
25). I sometimes imagine my life without you and its worse than nightmares. The gods blessed me with such a noble husband; happy birthday to my husband.
Another unique birthday wishes for husband from her beloved wife.
26). You have been my biggest enthusiast and support since we have been together. Happy birthday darling and loads of love and happiness to you dear; hope you can accomplish all your dreams.
27). Happy Birthday husband; always be by my side. We shall celebrate today together and make a promise to be better individuals and to love each other and ourselves more.
28). I am a lucky girl to have such a supportive and jovial husband. I hope to spend every moment of my life with you love; never be sad or crestfallen as I am always with you. Happy birthday love.
Great birthday wishes for husband from wife thourgh which she is complemetning herself to have a supportive and loving husband.
29). Happy birthday hubby and await the surprises and adventures which we will be having together in the countless years ahead. I can assure that you have chosen the best girl as your wife; you are one lucky guy!
30). Marriage with you is a beautiful entity and the creation of each new day and our new life together is like a painting slowly being created by the artist. Happy birthday my beloved artist and companion.
31). Many disillusioned people say that love is a mere fancy; but we have seen what true love is as our marriage and lives flourishes because of love. Happy birthday honey and I promise to love for ever.
Loving happy birthday quotes for husband through which his wife is claiming their marriage is true love.
32). True love never ends and darling you are my forever love story. Happy birthday darling and be dedicated to our marriage and family forever. May god bless our family with more love and prosperity.
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33). I am thankful and lucky for having such a beautiful family and an adoring husband. Happy birthday darling and express all your longings; I will be try relentlessly and pray ardently that all your longings are fulfilled.
34). I cannot express my love for you in words; it is indescribable. Here are my simple wishes for you dear husband; happy birthday darling and always remember that your wife and family love you unconditionally.
Simple birthday wishes for husband having very deep meaning from a loving wife and loving chilren.
35). For all the remaining days of my life I wish to spend all of them with you. Happy birthday husband; never lose faith in our marriage or forget your commitment as without you my existence will become meaningless.
36). Marriage is a relationship of inventing happiness, pleasures and adventures together. Happy birthday honey and hope that our love for each other stays unconditional and endless forever.
37). The world of peace always relies on love and companionship. To be truly happy and content one needs a devoted partner. Luckily I have found you hubby; a very happy birthday husband.
Best birthday wishes for a loving husband, what you say ladies about this loving happy birthday quotes for husband?
38). In the journey of life we are lucky to have found our soul mates to share the happiness and sorrows with. Happy birthday husband and never even in your nightmares think of break-ups or goodbyes.
Another intersting and special birthday wishes for wife from husband. It can be good chocie for husabnd birthday messages.
Planning to fun today night with your husband? Then check out Role Play Ideas for Couples In Bedroom.
39). I promise never to be angry or be sad as being alive is being lucky; and we are immeasurably lucky to be both alive and in love. Happy birthday husband and each cheerful day together is a celebration of our togetherness.
Send this birthday wishes for your lovely husband at his speical day.
40). With the passage of time I am learning to love and understand you more. Happy birthday Husband; thanks for always being such a wonderful person and loving me when I was miserable and even hated myself.
Great birthday wishes for husband quotes through which she is thanking to her husband to love her when she hated herself.
41). Happy Birthday Husabnd! In my journey of life no one has ever loved me as much as you did. I will forever be thankful to Almighty for making us companions for life. Happy birthday again my forever partner.
One more birthday wishes for loving husband has been delivred for you ladies.
42). May the Gods and our destiny fulfil all our wishes and erase all our sorrows. I wish that you reach the heights of success in your career and our family be filled with love and happiness; happy birthday my darling.
43). Never be depressed or sad when enmeshed in some unforeseen circumstances; always remember that I will support you no matter what. Happy birthday darling and never question my love for you; it is infinite.
44). The trust between a husband and his wife is beyond rationality and everything else; always remember me and the bond we share when in any difficulty. Happy birthday honey; I am yours and you are mine.
45). In marriage two souls are enmeshed together and become one in happiness and sorrows and life and death. I am lucky to have my soulmate with me forever; Happy birthday hubby darling.
Very romantic birthday wishes for husband from wife, shows she has find her soulate fro forever.
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46). A very happy birthday to you honey; today you are an year older. Today we see a more mature and loving version of yourself. I am becoming more besotted with you with the passage of time because of your kind heart.
47). With more birthdays more years are passing by; but being married with you my reality has become brighter than the memories. Happy birthday my handsome and adorable hubby.
Birthday wishes for husband with love from wife, shows her love for her husband.
48). On this special occasion of your birthday I profess my devotion and regards for you. Happy birthday darling and I am thankful to God for sending an angel like you to me as my husband.
49). As more and more years of our lives are flickering away; darling your resounding presence in my life and my existence is becoming prominent. Happy birthday dear and thanks for stand by my side and being you always.
50). Beloved I have always been a dreamer and preferred illusions over reality; but with you the living moments are more beautiful than the memories. Happy birthday love and thanks for gifting me a magical life.
Best birthday wishes for husband from wife shows she like to spend time with him reather than living in his memories.
51). Only a few lucky and blessed souls come in contact with the beautiful angels of heaven. You are the boon of almighty in our lives. Happy birthday love; always stay by my side.
52). Destiny has never blessed me with happiness and prosperity. But darling our undying love and trust in each other helps us to sail through all the difficulties; happy birthday dear.
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53). The struggle of existence is difficult for every soul; and similarly life has always been a struggle for us and our family. But darling your love and companionship has brightened my days; happy birthday love.
54). Every day I survive this heartless cruel world knowing that my husband love me unconditionally. Happy birthday hubby and thanks for never losing your faith or love for me.
55). I venture into this cruel and selfish world believing that you will always be there to save me in difficulties. Happy birthday my hero and never even dream of leaving me.
Short birthday wishes for husband through which wife is claiming her husband is her hero.
56). Happy birthday love and I hope that the Gods bless you with the world’s best joys and the best human beings as friends. As your wife I will always be by your side loving you. Happy birth beloved.
57). Loving and fighting are the realities of our married life. But do not fret since our fights always increase our passion and love. Happy birthday my smitten sweetheart; always keep on loving and adoring me.
58). You are the only person with whom I have ever been able to disclose all my secrets and sorrows. You have seen me in the worst phases of life but still loved me. Happy birthday angel and be mine always.
59). You are the light of my life darling; on this auspicious day of your birthday I hope that you live for a hundred more years and we are always together. Forever your wife and in an eternal bond of love and devotion with you.
60). I am lucky to have been married to the best friend and the first love. Our lives have been entangled together since childhood and the yearning is of being with you forever till the end of eternity. Happy birthday hubby; never forget to be my best friend ever.
Great birthday wishes for husband with love showing a gril is very happy since she has got married with her best friend and the first love.
61). You are that special guy who makes me feel home even in the difficulties. You are the rock that stood by me and made me believe in love. Happy birthday love; in my dictionary love and you are synonyms.
62). I love you unconditionally but I am immensely proud of your achievements. You have achieved so much in a few years. Love thanks for making me a part of your fairytale. Happy birthday my wonder Prince.
63). I wonder how lucky I am to have such a perfect husband like you. Thanks for always loving and supporting me; planning how can I show my gratitude and love for gifting me a wonderful life. Happy birthday sweetheart.
Very loving and special birthday wishes for my husband shows a wife is claming through this birthday sms that her husband is a perfect husband.
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64). Hello birthday boy what do you desire the most on your birthday? Is it a long and loving kiss, or a romantic candlelit dinner or will it rather spend a day together talking and laughing together.
65). Times are gone in flash but my married years with you is the fairytale I always dreamt about. I wish to give you the world’s precious gifts on this special day of your birthday, and always know that I love you darling.
66). You are such an honest and kind man that I am immensely proud to be your wife; your soul mate. Your munificence and love has sprinkled happiness in my life and I wish to do the same for you. Happy birthday beloved and love me eternally.
67). My heart was broken and scarred after seeing the cruel and selfish realities of the world. You brought my clod blue heart to life and infused it with love. Happy birthday magician and always keep on painting my world with your colourful hues. Happy Birthday husband again!
Sentimental and inspirational happy birthday quote for husband from her loving wife who call him magicial sicne he changed her life totally.
68). The first time when I saw you I was besotted by your warmth and simplicity. You simple uncomplicated view of the world helped me to come to terms with my misfortunes. Happy birthday my saviour.
69). I am proud to say that you are the most loving and inspiring husband ever. Adoring everything I do and always encouraging me to take risks in things my heart desires. Thanks my beloved birthday for believing in me.
One more inspirational birthday wishes for husband has been delivred for you ladies.
70). I think that for some virtues in my previous life I am now God’s favourite child; He has gifted me with the world’s best husband. Happy birthday dream man and I hope that all the times we spend together are amazing and overflowing with love.
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Very lovely birthday message for husband from her cute wife through which she is claiming she is God’s favorite child and she is very happy to find her dream man. Send this special birthday wish to your husband now.
71). I think of you every moment of my life; without you in this world I will cease to exist. Your presence and love has helped me to fight my demons and survive in this world. Happy birthday love and always be my knight in shining armour.
72). We have come to the stage of life where our lives are perfectly blended together; my existence and family everything depends on you darling. Happy birthday beloved and be my ideal and faithful partner forever.
73). On the auspicious and extraordinary day of your birthday spend the day with me. And we will rejoice and remember together the colourful memories of the times gone.
A cute birthday wishes for husband from wife, through this oving birthday wishes she is saying she want to spend whole day with him.
74). I am grateful to providence for bringing us together; you darling is the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy birthday my darling and always be happy with a smile on your beautiful face.
75). My marriage with you still seems like a fantasy; often I feel that perhaps I am dreaming our wonderful life together Happy birthday darling and thanks for making my reality more wonderful than the fantasies itself.
76). Sweetheart you have made the reality of being your wife more wonderful than the dreams. Happy birthday my hero hubby and always be my saviour on the depressing and rainy days when the world forgets about me.
77). I promise to always be by your side to make you remember your awesomeness. Never lose faith in the power of love as even in the most difficult times love and faith helps us win impossible wars. A very happy birthday to my companion for life.
Loving and touching birthday quote for husband. I hope ladies you will love this wordings for happy birthday quote for your husband.
78). It seems to me now that without you my existence is meaningless and futile. Husband dear you have involved yourself so completely in everything that is mine that I have forgotten to distinguish what’s mine and what’s your. Happy birthday beloved.
A meaningful birthday wishes for husband loving and caring person in a women life.
79). In this imbalanced and unpredictable world where nothing seems constant I am proud and happy to know that my beloved husband will go to the world’s ends for me. Happy birthday husband; always love me as we are soul mates.
80). Happy birthday to the most handsome and amazing husband in the world. Always be the same man you are now. Remember that I will always love and cherish you for the amazing and kind person you truly are.
81). On this special occasion of your birthday I give you all my love and best regards for being the awesome husband and the world’s best dad. A very happy birthday to my husabnd and always cherish the bond and family we have created together.
Another romantic birthday message for husband from his loving wife at very special day.
There are best happy birthday wishes for husband from wife. These birthday quotes for husband collection is not like others collection on web. Here we shares unique birthday messages for husband. Ladies you can copy any happy birthday message what you like and send to your husband.