Best Pick Up Lines For You (100+ Pickup Lines)

Best pick up linesPick up line is the best way of communication when your aim is to propose any one with special one line or to impress someone with the sweet and romantic pick up line. Where roses and chocolates don’t work, there some of the best pick up lines will surely do the job. Best pick up lines are often delivered by men to women. The reason behind is simple. Girls are emotional and soft hearted, and they love the things done or spoken from the heart.

pick up lines

Just be particular in serving the best pick up lines to targeted person. Sometimes the wrong pick up line could spoil the mood and the environment both. It is the best way of conveying something indirectly to the targeted listener. Best pick up lines can be romantic, funny, clever, corny or sweet depending on the environment and the person you are delivering to.

25+ Best Pick Up Lines For You

So guys and girls lets look at top best pick up lines that you can try on your loved ones

1). Are you single? Are you taking the applications of getting mingle?

Hmmm!  Very clever but yet effective and one of the best pick up lines.  If the guy wants to get in a relationship with the girl, then it is the best way to ask her about getting mingle with him. This indirect way of proposing is often liked by all girls especially if they too are interested in getting mingle with you.

Since you are not asking directly for the relationship therefore in case if she is not interested, then she will deny by saying that she is not interested in getting mingle. By this pick up line, you come to know about her intentions, and you don’t feel insulted for being rejected because you didn’t ask directly. So guys don’t wait for the right time, just go ahead, and try your luck.

2). Your eyes are a secret; I’d like to be your researcher

Beautiful eyes are center of attraction of any women. So admiring her eyes will definitely help you in catching her attention.

This pick up line shows that your partner is admiring your eyes in very special way. According to him your eyes are as deep as ocean and hide the secret behind it. It is nothing but a beautiful compliment on someone’s eyes, and girls will love it.This best pick up line is the best way of appreciating someone’s beauty.

3). Are you on France’s most wanted? Because in my list, you are placed on my topmost position

Every girl wants to be in top priority list of her boyfriend. It makes her feel special and important. So it’s the duty of the guy to make her feel special by the related best pick up lines

This is another very effective and one of the best pick up lines for girls. Girls will surely get overwhelmed by this pick up line. It simply implies that the girl occupies top position in the guy’s priority list. It is the best way to show your girlfriend that how important she is in your life. So guys impress your girl with this simple yet effective pick up line

4). Congratulations, you have been voted the cutest girl here; you prize a date with me!

Awwwww making comment! Among Best pick up lines, this is the cutest line for all the cute girls. Every girl wants to be praised by this flattering comment. Cute is the most commonly used adjective often said when you are admiring any girl.

By this pick up line, boys not only take the pleasure of admiring someone’s beauty but also invite her for the date in circuitous and stylish manner. So guys, if you serve this pick up line to your girl then no doubt, she would be all yours!

5). Flip a coin, if head comes, then I will you my number, if it stops at tail, then you will give me your number, in either case, a call has to be made.

Flirty pick up line! This pick up line gives you two options and both the options falls in your favor. Lol. Very cleverly delivered, it is counted among best pick up lines.

Best way to ask for number, delivered in funny way this pick up line will definitely not going to work but yes intentions will become clear. You want her number! Hahaha.

Girls will also take it in funny way, however if serious then you are lucky to have her number. Just try your luck guys and go ahead with this pick up line!

6). Do you have a first aid kit? I got hurt while I am falling for you.

Nowadays proposing someone by saying those “three words” are not enough to express your feelings about anyone. Whether you are a guy or a girl, proposing in a unique style always leave a great impact on your sweetheart. This best pick up lines is the best line if your aim is to propose your girl or a guy in special manner. An effective pick up line always works in such situations.

This pick up line simply means that that the guy or girl is in love with your by saying that he/she is falling in love for you. I am sure that your sweetheart will definitely accept your proposal by serving this pick up line

7). If you are cookie then I am your Oreo.

Another one of the proposing best pick up lines for all couples. Oreo is the world’s favorite cookie. With this pick up line the boy wants to show that like the Oreo cookie match is unbeatable in the same way they make the best couple.

By picking this pick up line, your loved one wants to convey that you both are made for each other. He wants to show that he is the perfect match for you. So it’s my request to all girls then don’t reject such a sweet proposal!

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Nagama Ansari
My self Nagama Ansari, who express our regular thought and daily activity with my blogs hold some primary categories like Tech, Web, Health, Fashion, Foods and Many more.